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Alone - End of Alpha

Today marked the end of Alpha for AIE team Xeno-Dev. We've made significant progress over the last several weeks, and it is my hope that we continue to snowball straight through the Beta. Some constructive criticism provided by our teachers has given us a solid sense of direction in what we need to accomplish in the allowed time, and how to go it whilst producing the best possible game.

I will largely be focused on building the light quality for the ship - creating contrasting lighter areas in the world to lull the player into a false sense of security. I will also be working to incorporate various sounds into the game. It is my hope that we will soon be partnered with a sound designer who can assist us by creating some amazing sound FX for the environment and enemy.

The Team’s artists are doing fantastic work in bringing life to what were bland, empty corridors and shafts. Every day they create new rooms and assets to fill them. I then take pride in narrating the past - using the assets provided to tell a story, however short / insignificant it may be - what has happened here? Why? How?

True life is of course brought into being my our programmers, who continue to work on the behaviour of the enemy A.I. As per the feedback provided by our teachers, it is the intention of our programmers to create an enemy that is capable of flanking the player, breaking the immediate line of sight, and moving quickly across short distances. This will serve to make them as freightening as possible.

Stay tuned for more updates.




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I'm Daniel, and this is my blog about gaming and game development. Here I'll be covering my latest exploits and writing the occasional critique on whatever game I happen to be playing.


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