Enemy AI Toolset - A Plug-in Proposition
My colleague and friend Matt and I have been working on an AIE assignment to design a solution to lazy difficulty scaling design in video game enemies. You've definitely seen this kind of handiwork before - enemy bullet sponges, a significant reduction in ammunition and health pack availability, scaling enemy damage and health up while reducing the player's, etc. Sound familiar?
So, we proposed a simple, easy to use Unity plug-in that would allow access to a number of enemy AI behavioural systems, optimised for early testing. This would help the developer determine what systems are best suited for their project, and would serve as a stepping stone for AI enhancement.
The plug-in itself would be manageable via a window tool, with a master controller delegating traits to assigned behavioural archetypes. Scripts provided would allow for customisation to completely tailor the enemies to the developers needs. The plug-in package would come with a full functional demo scene, customisable, rigged 3D character models, and a weapons pack.
The plug-in would appeal to both beginner and professional / advanced developers - particularly designers. It would help those just starting out learn more enemy AI system functionality, or simply act as a quick working solution to enemies for those wanting to focus more on other components of game-play.